JR Art Lab

WED – JR Documentarian 12 – 17 yrs (Winter 2022)

In 2021, My Octopus Teacher won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, making a win for Netflix in that category for the second year in a row and third time in the last four years. When it comes to producing documentaries, Netflix is a force to be reckoned with. After watching a Netflix documentary, you start to notice a similar style that carries through each one.

This term we will look into the magic components behind Netflix documentaries. And that’s not all, we are going to produce our very own NETFLIX style documentary. Student will be guided through the fundamental aspects of documentary filmmaking, including researching skills and camera angles, footage selection as well as editing. Students are encouraged to creates a particular story, viewpoint, message or experience.

Due to the complex nature of documentary practice we will only accept students at least 12 years of age.

March 23 @ 19:30 — June 22 @ 21:00
19:30 — 21:00 (2185h 30′)

Beaches Lab


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