JR Art Lab


Following government recommendations on limiting social interactions with large groups of people during this crucial period, we have made the difficult decision to pause our community events (including D&D Club and Art Collective) until further notice. The health and well being of our neighbourhood is what matters to us at JR Art Lab at this moment. Sorry for the inconvenience. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@jrartlab.com. Please visit http://jrartlab.com/covid-19/ for the latest COVID-19 update.


Thank everyone for the support! We have created a signup online for the D&D class to help manage the number of adventurers. The session will now have 2 Dungeon masters and run two games of 8 people to help the players have more turns and make it easier on the Dungeon Masters running the group. Please be notified that a different registration link will be given out each time. 

We would like to run a fair club where everyone gets included. For that reason if you reserve a spot and don’t show up, you will be sidelined for the following adventure..That’s right… you will be locked out of bookings for one round. You can avoid this by letting us know your plans have changed a minimum of 48 hours in advance.. please call us so we can let other people on the waiting list know and then they can join the adventure.. Kindness begets kindness..

Starting Saturday November 16 2019, D&D club is free for everyone from 5:00 – 7:30 pm on the first and third Saturdays of the month. We will open the doors to anyone in the neighbourhood who wishes to transcend this earthly world and enter the world of D&D. 

Be you a wandering minstrel or a level 20 demon orc wizard we welcome you to play with us. This family friendly session is all about questing and dungeon mastering. We are mere beginners so please feel free to come show us the best way to do it. If you would like to come along please let us know so we can anticipate numbers.

Please register to confirm space in the adventure. First come first serve. Registration will be closed once we reach full capacity.

PH: 4166907471

More on D&D here https://dnd.wizards.com/dungeons-and-dragons/what-is-d=