JR Art Lab

Davinci Club

JR DaVinci Club has arrived!!

If you love digital arts and are passionate about developing all your digital creative skills. We are here to support you.

We have seen how the creative industry is changing and want to encourage multiple skill development. Future leaders and artists will need to be multi-skilled, highly flexible as the situation demands and able to create crossmedia art. Graphic designers increasingly need to know 3D and Film artists need to have a good understanding of photography & film in order to plan and develop good storyboards. Photographers are equipping themselves with design skills. Being knowledgeable in Digital Painting and 3D Sculpting is not enough to make an animation, in which filmmaking skills play an important role. The list can go on and on…

Complete a full term of all major streams at Jr Art Lab.
( Jr Digital Artist, Jr Designer, Jr 3D Artist, Jr Photographer , Jr Screenwriter & Jr Video Editor) This can be done over any period of time. It is not required to do all streams at the same time.

All members of the DaVinci Club are allowed to join a second class during the term for FREE when they enroll in any of the major programs (listed above). 

From February 2022 onwards, DaVinci members will be able to claim the bonus class in our special interest streams ( Jr iPad Artist, Jr Documentarian & Jr Podcaster ) so long as they have done at least one full term of the chosen stream.
Eg. DaVinci Member A has done a term of Jr iPad Artist, so they can qualify for this particular stream as the bonus. 

That’s like BOGO for LIFE!!!! (Conditions applied. See below.)

If you want to know more contact us for more information.

NOTE: In the future we will offer some workshops that will be cross media creatives. Eg. 3D images that are rendered with grey and then digitally painted over. These classes are more advanced classes and will require some foundation in both areas of study. Davinci members will have access to these multimedia digital art workshops.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, writer,  and student of all things scientific. His natural genius crossed so many disciplines that he epitomized the term “Renaissance man.”

Today he remains best known for his art, including two paintings that remain among the world’s most famous and admired, Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Art, da Vinci believed, was indisputably connected with science and nature.

Largely self-educated, he filled dozens of secret notebooks with inventions, observations and theories about pursuits from aeronautics to anatomy. But the rest of the world was just beginning to share knowledge in books made with moveable type, and the concepts expressed in his notebooks were often difficult to interpret. As a result, though he was lauded in his time as a great artist, his contemporaries often did not fully appreciate his genius—the combination of intellect and imagination that allowed him to create, at least on paper, such inventions as the bicycle, the helicopter and an airplane based on the physiology and flying capability of a bat.



1. Students must complete all 6 areas of study for a full term to qualify for entry into the Davinci Club. ( Jr Digital Artist, Jr Designer, Jr 3D Artist, Jr Photographer, Jr Screenwriter & Jr Video Editor.)

2. Students free classes will be coordinated and offered in the week before the term starts in order to give priority to paid students. Please email your requests to info@jrartlab.com

3.You may lose your Davinci status if you fail to maintain at least 85% attendance rate for the free class. If you know it’s going to be a busy term for your kid, wait till next term to request the free class.

4.The less value of the two classes (stream of your choice & bonus class) will be considered as free.

5. Please be reminded that this is a Gift and not an entitlement. It is our kindness that we wish to encourage multimedia digital artists. 

6. Students may lose their Davinci club membership for continued misbehaviour and failing to follow instructors. 

Conditions are subject to change at the discretion of Jr Art Lab inc.