JR Art Lab

LIVE Online Workshop ~ Style Me Photo Editing (April 20-24)

Want to acquire some skill that will help you weather the storm? Ever dreamt of a life that isn’t affected by COVID-19 Pandemic? This is the digital skill you need to get you through more unforeseeable events in the future – Portrait Photo Editing. In this workshop, we will create a series of unique self-portraits using various graphic styles, including Caricature, Cartoon, Pop out effects and more.

We will use a Free and Open Source Image Editor – GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). It is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. Check out https://www.gimp.org/ to learn more about the software.

NB: If you would like to edit your own portraits, please have them ready before class. Portraits with neutral backgrounds are highly recommended. Don’t worry if you don’t have a camera, we will download some loyalty free portraits for you to practice.




April 20 @ 12:00 — April 24 @ 13:00
12:00 — 13:00 (97h)

Beaches Lab


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