JR Art Lab

SUN – 3D Artist 10+ yrs (Fall 2019)

This term we will focus on 3D Sculpting for Animation & 3D Printing.

Due to the complex nature of 3D software we will only accept students at least 10 yrs of age.

Students will be guided through the program interface learning simple Geometry sufficient for sculpting.

They will learn about texture painting and lighting within the 3D as well as rendering and output. Starting out with simple sculpts. We will build up to rendering more complicated humanoids. Students will render and output a simple animation for their own YouTube animation channel. Parents will be required to authorize children’s use of social media (youtube) to share their work online.

Students will also have the option to print their work using our Studio 3D Printer

This term for Jr 3d We will focus on sculpting Animals and Mythical Beasts. Think fantastic beasts and where to find them. Drawing inspiration from any of our favorite films like Harry Potter or books like Eragon we will learn to conceptualize and sketch out a plan for executing our creatures.


September 8 @ 19:15 — December 15 @ 20:45
19:15 — 20:45 (2353h 30′)

Beaches Lab


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