In the start for the term will focus on establishing art fundamentals while allowing students to build their skills and confidence with the digital painting tools and workflow. Projects will take 1 – 2 weeks each. After the first 9-10 weeks students will be encouraged to embark on their own concept artwork. Students will be guided through the research and concept development phases for their final work.
All final works will be exhibited in our end of semester gallery event for parents and community. (opening in the summer break)
NB: There will be an additional cost for the product printing. A full list of items will be made available for parents with associated printing costs.
This term our classes will focus on drawing and painting animals and creatures. We will look at sketching out basic animal skeletons and anatomy to let the knowledge inform us on about creating creatures.
Form is one of the fundamentals of art. Understanding form and how light works with forms will dramatically increase the realism and believability of our artworks.